JFD and Wuhu Diving Equipment Factory joint venture secures first saturation diving system contract

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JFD, the world-leading subsea operations and manufacturing company and a part of James Fisher and Sons plc, is delighted to announce that its joint venture company, Wuhu Divex Diving Systems Limited has secured its first contract for a 300m saturation diving system for Shanghai Salvage.
The multi-million dollar contract awarded by Shanghai Salvage, is for the design and build of a mobile, 12-man, 300m saturation diving system, similar to a previous system supplied by JFD to the customer in 2009.
These mobile saturation systems can be quickly deployed on several vessels in the Shanghai Salvage fleet, and allow the company to execute salvage, subsea installation and intervention projects in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
This mobile saturation system award is a follow-on contract to the 500m saturation system contract which was awarded to JFD by Shanghai Salvage in December 2016.  The multi-million pound contract covered the design and build of a 24-man saturation diving system capable of diving to depths of 500m which incorporated JFD’s advanced state-of-the-art technology.
JFD has enjoyed a ten year partnership with government–owned Shanghai Salvage and is delighted that this partnership is continuing through their joint venture Wuhu Divex Diving Systems Limited.
Wuhu Divex Diving Systems Limited was established in late 2016 between JFD and Wuhu Diving Equipment Factory and is dedicated to the manufacture of advanced diving systems for the Chinese market.
This joint venture allows JFD and Wuhu Diving Equipment Factory to grow together within the Chinese underwater arena. As both have extensive track records of designing, manufacturing and installing diving systems the partnership allows Wuhu Divex Diving Systems Limited to provide a strengthened comprehensive offering, demonstrated by this first contract win.


For further information contact: Marketing@jfdglobal.com