The changing face of Faslane Naval Base is the subject of a new book of photographs

Base employee Keith Hall charts the developments that have taken place in HM Naval Base, from its initial use by the army until October 1996, when the site was formally designated, and onwards through the redevelopments of the 21st century.


As well as discussing the histories of the submarine squadrons that used the facility the author, who lives in Dunbartonshire, includes details of recent groups based there, including the NATO Submarine Rescue System and the Northern Diving Group.


Faslane Bay, originally used as a military port in the Second World War, has played host to submarines since 1957.


Over the years, the site has seen periods of rapid expansion to accommodate the growing sophistication of the squadron submarines and the increasing number of hulls utilising its facilities.


Published by The History Press, the book costs £12.99.