Newly released remotely operated vehicle (ROV) statistics from the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) show there has been an increase of members’ ROV-based construction, drill support and cable laying activities since IMCA started collecting figures on a worldwide basis in 2009. Additionally, cable laying activity, though a relatively minor part of members’ work overall, has more than doubled since 2009. Inspection activity has stayed on much the same level as in 2009.


The 2012 world-wide ROV personnel and vehicle statistics issued by IMCA reflect personnel and vehicle levels at two specific times of the year, roughly six months apart – February and August – and provide a broadly representative snapshot of world-wide ROV activity on those two dates.
 “Our latest figures show that in February 2012 there were a total of 595 ROVs operating involving 3418 personnel; and by August 2012 this figure had risen to 640 with 3712 individuals involved.  The personnel figures do not include personnel on leave, sick or not working for any reason and only include those actually working on the two days of the survey. Overall looking back annually to 2009 the figures show that although there was a dip, or slower year in 2011, members report an increase in ROV-based construction, drill support and cable laying activities” explains IMCA’s Technical Director, Jane Bugler.


For more information please visit www.imca-int.com