Fugro has been awarded a five-year contract with an estimated value of USD 100 million by Total E&P Congo. The agreement is for ROV services and remote subsea tooling in the Moho Nord field, situated around 75 kilometres off the coast of Pointe Noire in the Republic of Congo.

Fugro will supply four 200hp FCV 3000 work class ROV systems and innovative BOP tooling which will be installed onboard three mobile drilling units and one field support vessel.

Three ROV systems have been mobilised from Fugro’s Singapore base and are now operating in Moho Nord. Two of them are onboard ultra-deep water drill ships and will be working in water depths of approximately 1,200 metres. The fourth system will be installed on a semi-submersible vessel, which is under construction in China and expected to join operations with its ROV later this year.

Other ROV tasks include setting up regular fluid injection, drilling re-entry, bullseye checks and routine video monitoring, inspection, cleaning and intervention tasks on and around the BOP, as well as alignment control during manifold installation. The ROV on board the field support vessel recently installed transponder arrays on the seafloor to accurately position the drill ship at its drilling location.

Each operational drill ship carries three ROV personnel for 12-hour coverage, and this can be increased to six people and 24-hour coverage for certain operations such as BOP installation and recovery.

Fugro is expanding its existing Pointe Noire base to provide operational, maintenance and repair services and also training on FCV ROVs and tooling for expatriate and Congolese personnel.

For further information please visit: www.fugro.com