The ISMERLO site is for global submarine rescue coordination and information exchange if you have ideas for items to be included please let us know and we can add them to the site.

Go to the protected area for rescue coordination and exchange of information.  Access to this area is limited to military and government organizations and personnel and their direct representatives that deal with submarine search and rescue. If you meet this criteria and have not previously been granted access, click the link for Access Registration.

The ISMERLO website provides a source of information about Submarine Escape and Rescue (SMER) and to facilitates the rapid call out of international rescue systems in the event of a submarine accident.

The Submarine Escape and Rescue Working Group (SMERWG) is the authority for ISMERLO.  All submarine operating nations are strongly recommended to attend.  SMERWG covers technical and procedural issues concerning all aspects of the subject with the aim of sharing information and establishing mutually accepted standards for design and operation of SMER systems.  This is also a forum wherein problems are briefed, exercises and their lessons learned discussed, and invitations to attend or observe those exercises are made.  It is a gathering of the principal experts in this field and is an opportunity to establish contact with them that is unmatched.

One of the important issues to arise after the KURSK tragedy, underlined by other peacetime submarine disasters, was the need for an international liaison service to coordinate rescue efforts in case of further submarine disasters and make those accidents less likely to occur.  This has evolved into the concept of the International Submarine Escape and Rescue Liaison Office (ISMERLO).   This office will consist of an international team of submarine escape and rescue experts based at Norfolk Virginia in the USA.  The aim of ISMERLO is to establish endorsed procedures as the international standard for submarine escape and rescue using consultation and consensus amongst submarine operating nations.  Advice on training and procurement as well as an inspection and monitoring service are also tasks assumed by this organization.

All nations are invited to forward details of their SMER facilities and capabilities for inclusion on the ISMERLO website.  Please note that all contributions, however minor, will be of use and may well generate requests to participate in future exercises.   Forward details for inclusion to

The information contained within the ISMERLO website is divided into non-secure and secure areas.  Access to the secure areas is limited to the submarine operating authorities, and the members thereof, in those nations that apply for access.  Access is obtained by following the link for access registration. If you have difficulty with the registration process send an email to the

For contact by mail: ISMERLO, C/O Commander U.S. Submarine Forces, 7958 Blandy Rd., Norfolk, VA 23551-2492.