Full pipeline survey spread now on Saab Seaeye ROV

A full pipeline survey spread has been fitted to a Saab Seaeye ROV for the first time.


"The development will bring considerable savings in survey operating costs to operators when compared to deploying a 150hp hydraulic work-class vehicle for the task," said the company.


"Being acoustically quieter than an hydraulic vehicle, an electric ROV will also produce more accurate multi-beam sonar data, the company said, noting that this was possible thanks to what it called the "unequalled power of the Panther XT Plus," which has 10 thrusters – eight giving horizontal drive – and having 50 per cent more power than any other ROV in its class.


The survey spread installed on the Panther XT Plus is a complete system that includes a Teledyne TSS pipe-tracker for precise location of pipes; two Reson SeaBat 7125 multi-beam sonars with dual frequency operation for collection of seamless high resolution survey data; a Sonardyne Lodestar inertial navigation system, a Doppler velocity log, camera booms and wheeled skid.


The first client to order the Panther XT Plus with a full pipeline survey package is Aberdeen-based ROVOP Ltd who undertook extensive trials of the ROV in May, with the survey package fitted, and have now purchased two systems.