International Submarine Races June 24-28 2013


12th International Submarine Races to be Held at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division June 24 – 28, 2013



                       Unique Human-Powered Engineering Design Competion

Foundation for Underwater Research and Education (FURE) announces that the 12th International Submarine Races (ISR), a biennial engineering design competition, is scheduled to be held the week of June 22-26, 2013, at NSWC Carderock Division in West Bethesda, Md.

The Foundation supports the ISR during the two-year process to design, build and take part in the human powered submarine competition. FURE’s objective via the ISR is to raise interest and participation in engineering education and to increase competence and awareness among ocean engineering students.

Thiswill be the 12thin the series of alternatesummer races thattest the creative skillsofyoungengineering studentsfromcolleges, universities andtechnical and high schoolsfromthroughout theworld. Teams wearing scubagear competeinone-and two-person “wet”submarinesdesignedto runsubmergedalonga100-metermeasuredcoursein the Carderockmodel basin.  TheISRbeganinFloridain 1989 and hasbeen heldheresince1995.

“The Carderock Divisionisproudto host the 2013 ISRatourDavidTaylor Model Basin facility,” saidDivision Commander Capt. Stefanyshyn-Piper.  “We are thrilledto be apart of suchanexciting event that puts engineering skills learnedin the classroomandinthe labtoa practical test.Weknow all participantswill behard at work on their new designs, and we all look forward toseeing the innovative approaches theywill bring to next year’s competition.”

Thepurposeof the subracesis toprovide an educationalopportunity for aspiring youngengineers.  Their participationin thedesign, construction, and operation ofahuman-poweredsubmarineoffers real-time application of theoretical knowledge,hands-on problem-solvingand teambuilding skills. Each year, teams strive toeither set newspeed recordsorbringinnovativeapproachesto propulsion,guidanceor othertechnicalrequirements of submarinedesign.

Race organizers install specializedtimingequipmentintheCarderockmodelbasin to determine the exact speedof each vehicle.  Underwatervideoandtimesaredisplayedon televisionscreens.Prizesareawarded inanumberofcategories, including speed,design,bestuseof compositematerialsandinnovation.

The subrace engineering designcompetitionis an investment inthefutureof our young people, notonlyto help themcompeteintheglobal technology economy,but to provideabettertrainedand experiencedresourcepoolof bright and industrious students to help industry and thegovernment fill futurenational needs. TheISR experience increases theirvalue to potential employers.Studies show that students whocan put their classroomskills topractical use farefar better in thepost-collegejob market.

The12th ISRprincipal sponsors includetheElectric BoatCorporation, the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE),and Henry A. “Hap” Perry, theISR founder.Many in-kind sponsors also contribute.  Additionally,ISR is one of many STEMoutreach programs supported byNSWC Carderock Division which is part oftheNavalSeaSystemsCommand.

Background informationis available at the ISR website,  Contestant inquiries should be made to Claude Brancart at or (207) 729-7873.Organizationsinterestedin sponsorship,contactDave McGee at or(703) 399-7619. Contact for volunteers is Sue Peterson at media may contact theNSWCCD Public AffairsOffice at