The big fat Analox review of the year
2015 has nearly gone – and there are only eight working days until Christmas Day. We hope that you’ve got your Christmas shopping sorted… if not, Analox products are still available from your friendly local distributor.
2015 has been a busy year for us and the keyword throughout has been ‘growth’. We’ve seen new products, new distributors and an increase in staff and profits, making Analox more of a force to be reckoned with than ever before.
Come with us as we carry out an Analox review of 2015 and see what’s planned for 2016…
Great use of our products
We received fantastic news at the start of the year when we found out our The McDonald’s Corporation approved our Ax60 carbon dioxide detector for use in restaurants across the world – from the UK to Peru. At the end of November, the first Ax60 was installed in China by Bonny Foodservices.
We supplied our friends and longtime distributors JFD (formerly Divex) with SDA rate of change monitors for a new build vessel for the BP Exploration Shah Deniz II project in the Caspian sea. We visited the team at JFD in Aberdeen in November and it was great to see them doing well.
Celebrating profits
We celebrated our best month for sales output in April – and then in July we celebrated again when we found out we beat that record!
In mid-December we announced that we were over full-year target for invoiced sales, with two weeks of the year left to go.
We’re looking forward to seeing if we can beat our records in 2016
Around the world at exhibitions
We’ve been racking up the air miles at different exhibitions this year, covering a wide range of industries – from laboratories at ArabLab in Dubai and VWR in Norway (the first time we’ve taken part!) to scuba diving at DEMA Show in Florida.
We will confirm exhibition dates for 2016 soon and we will let you know about them on this blog.
Hello and goodbye
We sadly said goodbye to our Sales Manager Holly in August, as she went to University. However, we welcomed our new Sales Manager Katherine who has fitted into the team very well.
Our marketing department increased this year with the introduction of three new team members who have been hard at work promoting the work we do. We also welcomed an administrative support assistant and a content writer too.
There has been a massive amount of growth in Analox this year in general – at the start of the year we had 54 staff.. at the end of the year we will have 73!
Our team have been hard at work inside and outside of the organisation too – with the highest participation in charity days so far. This year we went to help out at the Cornshed Festival, SARA Animal Shelter and Saltholme RSPB Sanctuary, where we discovered a very rare caterpillar!
What were our top ten blog posts of 2015? (as of 13/12/15)
- Networking reaches its peak at Tees Valley Business Summit
- What’s the buzz about the Expo Milano?
- The serious side of ‘hippie crack’ – is laughing gas still funny?
- Helium shortage – has the balloon gone up?
- The Analox team head off to the Underwater Centre
- Do puffins only fly together in a circus?
- Air monitoring in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids
- The McDonald’s Corporation puts carbon dioxide detector on the menu
- Jobs at Analox – could you be the person we are looking for?
- Introducing the Ax60k – CO2 monitoring for food courts across the world
New products and technology
We launched the Ax60k in late summer, a compact version of our Ax60 gas detector, used to monitor CO2 in small restaurants and fast food kiosks.
We’re also getting ready for the launch of medical gas detector AMEGAS in 2016 – a modular system which can be used to measure a range of gases and adheres to stringent Pharmacopoeia standards.
This year we have also been looking at ways we can use modern technology to showcase our products. We’ve been trialling Augmented Reality (AR) technology at exhibitions, as well as looking at how we can use holograms and Virtual Reality in the future.
What’s planned for 2016?
There will be a few changes to the way we work in 2016 – from January our sales force will be divided into regions, meaning that you will have a designated contact in the sales team and we will be able to offer you an even better level of customer service.
We’ll also be rolling out our new branding ‘Why Analox?’ which details some of the challenges we’ve undertaken and why our customers have stuck with us so long… there’ll be more details on this blog early in the new year.
We’ll also be introducing our new price list system known as ‘Catbase’ – we hope our new system is easy to use and gives our distributors and customers the information they need at a glance.
With all this in mind there’s only one thing left to say… we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year, and we’ll see you all in 2016!