JFD awarded a four year framework contract by UK MOD Salvage & Marine Operations Team for the provision of subsea equipment and support

JFD, the world-leading subsea operations and manufacturing company and part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has been awarded a four year framework contract, worth up to £10 million, by the UK MOD Salvage & Marine Operations Team for the provision of subsea equipment and support.

The Salvage and Marine Operations (S&MO) Team owns and operates subsea equipment to fulfil a variety of tasks including salvage, towing, heavy lifting, operational moorings, port clearance and underwater engineering.

JFD will be responsible for the provision of spares, technical assistance for mobilisation, integration and repair of new equipment, offshore surveyor support, hire and supply of task specific tooling as well as logistics support during the four year contract.

The contract affords S&MO 24-hour, on-demand, access to JFD’s Engineering Support Cell, which combines sound engineering assurance with operational experience in order to provide a fully comprehensive technical support service.

To read the full release visit: https://goo.gl/oOoMek






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